ახალი სამაგისტრო და სადოქტორო პროგრამები
დაწვრილებითი ინფორმაციისთვის იხილეთ ბმულები:- Sweden:PhD student position in communication systems with fiber-optic applications
- Europe:European Master in Law and Economics (EMLE)
- Europe:European Master in Comparative Morphology An Erasmus Mundus Joint Programme
- Europe:Erasmus Mundus European Master in Tourism Management
- Europe:European Masters Course in Integrated Advanced Ship Design
- Sweden:PhD student positions in computational catalysis and surface science
- UK:Fully funded PhD studentship
- UK:PhD studentship in Bayesian calibration of subsurface flow models
- Germany: PhD Position for the Verification of Robotic and Cyber-Physical Systems
- Germany: PhD Positions in advanced robotics and safety verification of human-robot interaction
- Germany:Funded Ph.D. or postdoc position in remote sensing
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