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თსუ ევროპული კვლევების ინსტიტუტი აცხადებს მსურველთა მიღებას ევროპისმცოდნეობის სამაგისტრო პროგრამაზე

The Institute for European Studies (IES) of Tbilisi State University, established by EU Project "Establishment of a Center for European Studies", is announcing admission for new 2011-2012 academic year for English-speaking Masters in European Studies Program (MAES) with the mobility opportunities with the European Universities (Free University of Berlin, University of Graz, Corvinus of Budapest, Malmoe, Reims, Innsbruck) and internships in public as well as private sector.
Institute for European Studies (IES) of Tbilisi State University was established in 2007 under TACIS project and is based on four TSU Faculties: Faculty of Law, Faculty Economics, Faculty of Social and Political Science and Faculty of Humanities- providing prospective students with the unique opportunity to get enrolled into interdisciplinary program. The curriculum and course syllabi of IES had been developed by international experts while considering the best practices of classical EU Studies Masters Programs in leading Western European Universities.    European as well as leading TSU and invited Professors are providing the courses only in English.  Students have opportunities to participate into IES public events, Round Table discussions, Public Lectures by guest speakers, international and local conferences as well as have an unique chance to publish their research into the scientific journal. 

The Institute for European Studies will require prospective students to have:

** Undergraduate (Bachelor or equivalent) degree from a related field
** At least intermediate B2, level of English
** General knowledge of the European Union - Interest in EU Issues.
**Passed national master’s exam

Applications should be addressed to TSU. The applicants must submit the following documents: Application Form (available at TSU official website together with the sample material for the written exam in specialty: (then click on the link "სამაგისტრო პროგრამები" and then click on the link "ევროპული კვლევების ინსტიტუტი", or visit: http://www.ies.tsu.ge), copy of BA Diploma and Diploma Attachment (დიპლომის დანართი), Motivation Letter, copy of ID or passport.

Deadline for submitting the applications is August 25, 2011.

Enrolment procedure is divided into three steps:

** Written examination in English language.
** Written examination in specialty.
** Interview with Admissions Jury.

Tuition fee: 2,000 Gel per semester

Address for submitting application documents and holding the admissions exams:

Institute for European Studies
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
3 Chavchavadze Avenue, II Building Block, 5th floor, Office 406, Tbilisi

Study sessions start on October 1, 2011.

For further information on the MA in European Studies and on the enrolment process please contact:

Institute for European Studies
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
1 Chavchavadze Avenue, II Building Block, 5th floor, Office 406, Tbilisi

Office phone: (+995 32) 22 78 99
E-mail: director.ces@tsu.ge 


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