საზაფხულო სკოლა პენის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტში
დაწვრილებითი ინფორმაციისთვის გთხოვთ გაეცნოთ ქვემოთ მოცემულ განცხადებას:Economics & Beyond: NES Summer School at Penn State University
Balanced academic program:
* 72 academic hours of economics, history and psychology, advanced undergraduate level
* 2 guest lectures by PSU professors from the Department of Economics
* Career advice and meetings with representatives of US corporations, international organizations and other offices that employ economists
All classes are held in English. Good command of English is a prerequisite.
Program Dates: 28 June- 26 July, 2014. The Penn State typical schedule consists of three classes a day, day trips on weekends, and various excursions to cultural and sports attractions on weekday evenings. Students spend the last 8 days of the program in Washington, DC, where they will have access to famous museums, landmarks, tours of the Library of Congress/US capitol, visiting Gettysburg and Chesapeake and other fun activities. Students will stay on campus of the University of Georgetown.
Tuition fee is $2800 (USD) and includes meals, transfers during the school, lodging, excursions, and entertainment (travel to Washington, D.C. not included)
Deadline for applications: 15 January 2014.
Students majoring in Economics, Finance, or Math are invited to apply via email to Oxana Budjko at obudjko@nes.ru
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