Irakli Zhorzholiani

Previous Academic Qualifications: Malmo University; MA in European Studies, 2009-2011.

PhD Program: Philosophy

  • United States of America the Highest Form of Empire? – New Vision of World Historical Development, Zaarbrucken. 2012
Participation in Conferences
  • "Conctact Making Event on Youth Policy DemoPeople II", 18-22 April; Warsaw.
  • "Democracy through Dialogue, not Conflict". 2015, Kaunas-Vilnius; June 14-17.
  • "European Youth Work Convention", 27-30 April ,2015, Brussels.
  • 2014 Participant of the international seminar ’’Paths to Inclusion’’ organized, Ireland; March 10-16.
  • Vilnius Summit; Civic Society Conference; 27-29 November 2013.
  • 2013 Delegate at the International event of the Youth in Action program ’Youthpass in Action’ organized in Brussels, Belgium in June 24-25.
  • 2013 The expert of the round table of the International Student Symposium in Florence, Italy.
  • 2012 Training of Trainers (ToT) organized by National – Democratic Institute (NDI) and International Republican Institute (IRI) in Georgia.
  • 2010 Certificate for outstanding series of lectures on the European Union at the research center of the University of Copenhagen.
  • 2009 Certificate of honors from the National Defense Academy of the Georgian Armed Forces for the best speech at the countrywide conference.
  • 2007 Certificate for successful participation in the Florence International Student Symposium; 2-9 December.
  • 2006 Training “Democratic control of the security sector – Law enforcement” organized by The Centre for European Security Studies (the Netherlands), Centre for European Integration Studies (Georgia), Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands and Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Tbilisi.
გამოქვეყნების თარიღი:2016-06-21 17:00:30