Ekaterina Kiria

Previous Academic Qualifications: TSU, the Faculty of Philology, diplomaed specialist (or equal in status to the Masters Degree),  1988-1993
PhD  Program: Philology (Subfield:  Byzantine Philology)

  • "De Oratione Dominica by Gregory of Nyssa and its Old Georgian Translation", in Studia Patristica, vol. XXXVII, Leuven 2001; S. 121-125.
  • "Die vierte Bitte des Vaterunsers bei Gregor von Nyssa", in Jesus Christ in St. Gregory of Nyssa’s Theology. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on St. Gregory of Nyssa (Athens, 7-12 September 2000), Athens 2005, S. 653-667.
  • "Gregor von Nyssa, De Oratione Dominica in algeorgischer Übersetzung. Der Text der altgeorgischen Übersetzung und die Einleitung wurde durch Ekaterina Kiria vorbereitet", Tbilisi 2006 (Buch, Georgisch).
  • "De Oratione Dominica", in  Gregory of Nyssa Dictionary, L. F. Mateo-Seco, G. Maspero (edd.), Monte Carmelo 2006, S. 688-693 (in Spanish)
  • "De Oratione Dominica", in Gregory of Nyssa Dictionary, L. F. Mateo-Seco, G. Maspero (edd.), Gregorio di Nissa Dizionario, Città Nuova: Roma 2007, 208-212. (Italian translation)
  • "De Oratione Dominica", in The Brill Dictionary of Gregory of Nyssa, edited by L. F. Mateo-Seco and G. Maspero, Leiden 2010, 550-553 (English).
  • Pneumatological Research according to the Third Homily of De Oratione Dominica by Gregory of Nyssa, PHASIS, Greek and Roman Studies, 13-14, Tbilisi 2010-2011, 282-290.

Participation in Conferences
  • "De Oratione Dominica by Gregory of Nyssa and its old Georgian Translation", in Thirteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies, Oxford, August 1999.
  • "Die Vierte Bitte des Vaterunsers bei Gregor von Nyssa", in Neuntes Internationales Kolloquium zu Gregor von Nyssa, Athens, August 2000
  • Pneumatological Research according to the Third Homily of De Oratione Dominica by Gregory of Nyssa, International Conference: Greek Civilization and Cultural Dialogue, Tbilisi, October 5-6, 2011.

გამოქვეყნების თარიღი:2016-06-21 12:25:30