Pataridze Salome

PhD students name: Salome Pataridze
Previous Education: 2003-2011 TSU, Faculty of Humanities (MA in Philology/German Philology)
PhD  program: Comparative Literature
Published works: 
Career guidance as part of a school-based individual support –ISBN 978-80-88085-04-12. 2015 Sociology Study Print ISSN: 2159-5526 Online ISSN: 2159-5534 DOI: 10.17265/2159-5526, Education and Democracy

Participation in conferences: 
  • (2015) “Career guidance as part of a school-based individual support”. Multidisciplinary Academic Conference on Education, Teaching and E-Learling in Prague
  • (2016) “Globalization and Identity”. International conference in education and education in Istanbul

გამოქვეყნების თარიღი:2017-02-06 12:04:03