
Round-Table "In Search of Successful Strategies of Armenian-Georgian Cooperation: Academia and Student Perspective”

On May 20, 2017 at 14:30 Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University will host a Students Round –table discussion " In Search of Successful Strategies of Armenian-Georgian Cooperation: Academia and Student Perspective " organized in frames of the Armenian-Georgian Cooperation through Academia and Students’ Inclusion -2 project.

The project was initiated by Hazarashen NGO (Yerevan, Armenia) in cooperation with Center for Civilisation and Cultural Studies at Yerevan State University (CCCS, YSU), Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) and Association of Anthropologists of Georgia (AAG) and was supported by the South Caucasus Regional Office of the Heinrich Boell Foundation. The goal of the project was to promote Armenian-Georgian cooperation in fields of social sciences through fostering joint research and mentorship.

Professor David Hovhannisyan (Hazarashen, CCCS, YSU), Dr. Satenik Mkrtchyan (CCCS, YSU), Professor Ketevan Khutsishvili (TSU), Professor Nino Chikovani (TSU), Dr. Archil Abashidze (ISU), Professor Hranush Kharatyan (Institute of Archeology and Ethnology of the Academy of Sciences of Armenia, Hazarashen) and Professor Hayk Kocharyan (YSU) were engaged in the project and supervised students’ research on socio-cultural, political and regional issues.

24 students from Tbilisi and Yerevan with the academic guidance of the and technical assistance from the project have been working on a series of small research projects the results of which will be issues with a separate publication available online as well. For the round –table the project participants will present their views on Armenian – Georgian Cooperation focusing on the situation, challenges, and resources in /through scholarship. They will share their recommendation on successful practices and strategies for cross-country cooperation based on their own experience and reflection and engage in lively discussions with the invited guests.  The invited guests can enjoy the mini-exhibition in the round-table hall, where the project participants share their impressions of the cross-country visits and visual elements of their research initiatives.
Language of the round-table: English and Russian.

Please see the agenda

Address: I. Chavchavadze Ave., 1, TSU, 1st Building, Auditorium 317

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