
First Forum of Caucasus Mountain Region (Caucasus Mountain Forum): Science and Practice for Sustainable Development

Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) hosted the first forum of Caucasus Mountain Region (Caucasus Mountain Forum): Science and Practice for Sustainable Development on November 30. The objective of the Caucasus Mountain Forum is to assess the situation in terms of sustainable development of the Caucasus region, to develop scientific research and increase the visibility of the Caucasus region at the global level. Scientists and practitioners from Azerbaijan, Armenia, Iran, Turkey and Russia participated in the event. Rector of TSU, Giorgi Sharvashidze made a welcome speech at the forum. Rector of Ilia State University, Giga Zedania, government officials and the Swiss ambassador to Georgia attended the forum.
TSU Professor Ioseb Salukvadze said: “This scientific forum is very important, particularly for Georgia, because it is dedicated to studying and developing the Caucasus Mountains. Similar forums have already been held worldwide in respect of other mountain regions, but for the Caucasus it is the first forum and it is important that the Tbilisi State University is hosting it.” The event will promote deepening of dialogue and developing of regional cooperation between the parties; it will contribute to the better coordination of sustainable development of the Caucasus region, Ioseb Salukvadze said.
Olivier Bürki, Regional Director for South Caucasus at Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, said that sustainable development is the most important sphere, which involves the aspects of social, economic and environmental development. He also said that the challenges facing the Caucasus region, as well as the ways of their solution were discussed at the forum.
The scientific forum was held with the financial support of Scientific Network for the Caucasus Mountain Region (SNC-mt), Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and United Nations Environment Programme. Ilia State University has also hosted the event.


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