
Presentation of Schein’s Common Sense Emergency Abdominal Surgery

A presentation of the American bestseller Schein’s Common Sense Emergency Abdominal Surgery was held at the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU). M.D. Teimuraz Kemoklidze is translator of the book and project manager; Dr. Merab Kiladze is a scientific editor and M.D. Kakhaber Kikvidze is a reviewer.

TSU Rector, Academician Vladimer Papava said that “it is a priority issue for the Tbilisi State University to provide the same education to its students that they would have received in leading foreign universities. Therefore, it is important that textbooks of this direction are translated. Such textbooks will enable us to bring the level of knowledge acquired at our university closer to the level of knowledge provided by leading foreign universities. The book was translated on initiative on the faculty of medicine; it is a high level translation and intensive work is still underway at other faculties too.”

“This is a desk book for many surgeons in various countries. It has been translated in many languages and we also published it in Georgian. This is a very nonstandard, informal book, which takes into consideration real surgery requirements. It concentrates both the author’s experience as well as the experience of leading foreign centers. The book covers both traditional, classical methods of treatment, as well as modern, high technological interferences. We do not have many textbooks of such level; therefore, this book is a huge acquisition for medical society and surgeons,” TSU Professor Merab Kiladze said.

“This book is a bestseller in the United States and it has been translated in almost all foreign languages. It is a very modern book; it is written unusually and it is perceived easily. It contains more discussion than dogma and is very practical. The book contains such moments, which dispel or criticize old perceptions in surgery,” Teimuraz Kemoklidze, translator of the book, said.

The book is designed for both practicing and young surgeons, as well as representatives of allied disciplines. It describes comprehensively and consistently both classical and traditional, as well as modern diagnostic and medicinal interferences and manipulations, evaluates their role and importance during a patient’s complex examination and treatment. The book provides highly professional, ultramodern advises and recommendations about how doctors should act in difficult and uncertain situations and find a simple and elegant solution sometimes without using modern technologies, through classical clinical approach and thinking.      
The book was published by the TSU publishing house in frames of the university program on translation and publication of foreign textbooks.  


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