
“April 9 Our Pain”

An event “April 9 Our Pain” dedicated to the April 9 tragedy in 1989, when an anti-Soviet demonstration in Tbilisi was dispersed by the Soviet Army, was held at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University on April 7. Ethnic Azerbaijani students of TSU recollected Georgia’s recent tragic history. Dean of the TSU Faculty of Humanities, Nani Gaprindashvili, professors, students and invited guests attended the event.

The event was organized by students from various departments of TSU, who brought together ethnic Azerbaijanis from legislative and executive bodies, representatives of the sphere of culture, for whom Georgia is a homeland and who feel the pain of past tragic days.

The participants also attended the screening of a documentary on the April 9 tragedy. The speakers paid tribute to the deceased heroes.        


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