
TSU Hosts Cooperation Forum of Higher Educational Institutions from Eastern European Members to the Bologna Process

A cooperation forum of higher educational institutions from Eastern European members to the Bologna Process was opened at the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University on May 11. The forum has been organized by German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

Academic and administrative staff from higher educational institutions of Georgia, Germany, Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia and other countries, staff members from DAAD Head Office, representatives of Federal Ministry of Education and Research are participating in the forum. The forum aims at promoting the establishment of partner relations between the German and Georgian universities.   

TSU Deputy Rector, Ioseb Salukvadze said: “A very interesting forum is beginning and it will be dedicated to the cooperation of Germany with Eastern European, especially post-Soviet universities in the sphere of higher education. Cooperation with German universities is extremely important for us, because Germany is a leading country, which boosts its ties with TSU. I mean exchange of students and academic staff, as well as joint projects and educational programs. Internationalization is one of the priority directions of TSU’s modernization program and German universities will help us in it.”

“The forum aims at approximation of curricula of German universities and Eastern European members to the Bologna process. The representatives of universities from Germany as well as other members to the Bologna process have arrived to participate in it,” Peter Hasenbach of Federal Ministry of Education and Research said.
After TSU, the representatives of the cooperation forum will continue meetings at Ilia State University and Free University.


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