
EU-Georgia Association Agreement: Meeting with 4+1 Program Beneficiaries

Deputy Education Minister Tamaz Marsagishvili and First Deputy State Minister for Reconciliation and Civic Equality Ketevan Tsikhelashvili met with ethnic minority students, who are beneficiaries of “4+1” program to discuss the importance of EU-Georgia Association Agreement, including the importance of Association Agreement for the education sphere. TSU Rector, Academician Vladimer Papava attended the event.

TSU Rector Vladimer Papava said: “Georgia is facing a historic moment of signing the Association Agreement that will open up new opportunities. Georgian population should be informed of the benefits of Association Agreement and what the country will have to do in this respect. Naturally, it is important for the university that ethnic minority students are involved in this process.”

“I am glad to meet with the 4+1 program beneficiaries representing various ethnic minorities. This program is specially designed for them. Quite soon Georgia will sign the Association Agreement with EU. Our ministry holds a competition for program beneficiaries concerning the issue of European integration. They will have an opportunity to write short essays on this topic. The proficient jury will review the papers and the winner will be awarded,” Ketevan Tsikhelashvili said.

“All political forces have expressed support to Georgia’s EU integration. As a result of signing the agreement we will become associate members; therefore, we should be ready and know what transformations are awaiting us and what particular measures should be implemented in the spheres of education and science,” Deputy Education Minister Tamaz Marsagishvili said.

A presentation of the clip was held in Georgian, Armenian and Azerbaijani languages. Students were informed about the essay competition on a topic “Georgia’s European Integration and Me”. A discussion was held at the end of the meeting.


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