
TSU Election Commission Calls on NGOs to Monitor Elections

The Central Election Commission (CEC) of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University has called on non-governmental organizations to monitor the Student Self-Governance elections planned for November 25.
CEC Chairman Demetre Egnatashvili said: “We want to focus on transparency of elections and therefore we call on all election monitoring non-governmental organizations to come and monitor the election process.”
The election commission plans to send official letters of request to the following NGOs: Transparency International – Georgia, Georgian Young Lawyers Association, International Society for Free and Fair Elections and other election watchdog groups. Egnatashvili said that the competition is very high. Independent candidates will compete with each other.
TSU Student Self-Governance elections will be held on November 25. The university students will directly elect 140 delegates (20 delegates from each of seven faculties). The rule of electing the members (delegates) of the TSU Self-Governance has been amended. Registration of electoral subjects took place at the election commission of Student Self-Governance on November 14-18.
Number of voters, eligible to cast ballot in the November 25 elections, stands at 20,615. Voting will be held at 13 polling stations located at the TSU Buildings. According to the current data, the election commission has received 174 applications from candidates running in the Student Self-Governance elections.


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