
Beritashvili’s 130th Birth Anniversary Celebrated at TSU

A solemn event dedicated to Academician Ivane Beritashvili’s 130th birth anniversary was celebrated at the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) on January 15. The participants laid wreaths on Ivane Beritashvili’s grave. Later a conference was held.

“Ivane Beritashvili is not only the university founder, but he is a world famous scientist. He laid the foundation for the school of physiology and today his followers, all those people, who care for the university, have gathered at his grave. Commemoration of such people is important for the university, its students and future generations. The scientific heritage left by him is the basis for the development of physiological science,” TSU Rector, Academician Vladimer Papava said.

“The today’s event is taking place largely due to Georgian traditions; it happens annually, I see his followers here and this tradition is kept alive. I am extremely glad that the university commemorates its founders,” Davit Beritashvili, Ivane Beritashvili’s grandson, said.   

The event was organized by TSU, Ivane Beritashvili Society of Physiologists, National Academy of Sciences of Georgia and Ivane Beritashvili Center of Experimental Biomedicine.     


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