
Professor Gedevan Khelaia’s 90th Anniversary Marked at TSU

The Faculty of Economics and Business at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University hosted a solemn event dedicated to the 90th birth anniversary of Professor Gedevan Khelaia, as well as the 65th anniversary of his scientific and pedagogical activities.   
Rector of TSU, Giorgi Sharvashidze awarded the Tbilisi State University Medal to Gedevan Khelaia for his successful and fruitful collaboration with TSU, as well as intensive pedagogical and scientific activities.
Scientists, economists, public figures, Gedevan Khelaia’s colleagues, friends and students attended the event.   
Professor Gedevan Khelaia is the author of 12 monographs. Previously he chaired the TSU Department of Finances and Credits. For years, he held the position of Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Economics. He had been the Founding Rector of the Gori Institute of Economics.

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