
Memorandum of Partnership

On October 22 the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) signed the Memorandum of Partnership with the representatives of various industries involved in the field of applied biosciences and biotechnology. Non-governmental and governmental organizations interested in further development of the field also joined the memorandum. 

The memorandum was signed by TSU Rector, Academician Vladimer Papava; Head of the National Food Agency, Zurab Chekurashvili ; Chairman of Bristol-Tbilisi Association, Derek Pickup and representatives of 17 business companies.

According to the memorandum, it is planned to promote the development of biosciences and biotechnology in Georgia; to boost cooperation between the university and the industry as well as to implement innovative educational programs in order to train highly skilled experts, including in the direction of food, healthcare, environmental protection and agro-biotechnologies.   

“It is very important for our university, as well as for other universities, to have links with representatives of business sector, because this is bilateral communication, an opportunity for our students to improve their skills in industrial enterprises. What is especially important, the Ministry of Agriculture has also joined the memorandum meaning that the government also supports this project and will promote its successful implementation. 20 organizations have signed the memorandum; it means quite extensive cooperation with business sector. New page, new opportunities are opening up for the rapprochement of the university and business sector,” TSU Rector, Academician Vladimer Papava said.

“The memorandum envisages the university’s cooperation with both the state sector and business industry; in particular, it is about education and employment of our future generation in industry. Biosciences are a very important direction and the National Food Agency always welcomes such employees. We constantly provide internships, 12 students have already got jobs at the agency and this process is still underway,” Head of the National Food Agency, Zurab Chekurashvili said. 

Chairman of Bristol-Tbilisi Association, Derek Pickup said that the Memorandum of Partnership between the University of Bristol and Tbilisi State University is very important, because our universities will work jointly. We are glad that we have signed and joined this Tempus program.”

Under the memorandum, the signatories agree to promote the development, implementation and popularization of new educational courses/modules/programs in the field of applied biosciences; to increase student competitiveness on employment market and deepen their competences and knowledge; to help students undergo industrial/professional practice; to raise student qualifications and their involvement in various scientific/applied/development projects; to support successful students through implementing encouragement measures; to promote implementation of joint educational and scientific research as well as innovative projects.

The foundation for the above mentioned cooperation was laid in 2007-2013 in frames of Tempus projects with the participation of the Tbilisi State University, University of the West of England (Bristol, project coordinator), University of Alicante (project coordinator) and other partner universities.      



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