
Presentation of Abkhaz Library

The Scientific Research Center of Georgian-Abkhazian Relations of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) held a presentation of Abkhaz Library on February 10. Rector of TSU, Giorgi Sharvashidze, Rector of Sokhumi State University, Joni Apakidze, representatives of the universities viewed the library.

Rector Giorgi Sharvashidze said that the Center has been involved in scientific activities for a long time and during this period it has gathered a large and interesting collection. “It is important that cultural, human relations, public diplomacy work; the issue should be discussed from scientific point of view as well. It is a necessary format in order to move to a new stage of relations. Our university has such experience and we have a lot of new ideas,” Sharvashidze said.

“A great part of the library’s book fund has been brought from Abkhazia. Among them are unique books with a small circulation. We have intensive relations with the Abkhazian side. We hope that not only the university society will show interest in the library,” Zurab Shengelia, the head of the Scientific Research Center of Georgian-Abkhazian Relations, said.

Rector of Sokhumi State University, Joni Apakidze said that “creation of the library is a very good idea and it brings positive into Georgian-Abkhazian relations.”

The Institute of Georgian-Abkhazian Relations, National Parliamentary Library of Georgia, Commission for the Abkhaz Language and Literature of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences participated in the creation of the library. The Abkhazian side was also actively involved in the process.

Interested persons have an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the literature published in Abkhazia, documents on Georgian-Abkhaz conflict, fiction in Georgian and Abkhaz languages, Abkhaz press, etc. The library keeps a lot of unique materials, which will be interesting for the persons interested in developments in Abkhazia.


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