
Presentation of the Book “Academic Writing in Law”

A presentation of the book “Academic Writing in Law” by President’s Parliamentary Secretary, Anna Dolidze was held at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University in frames of the Human Rights Week in Georgia.

The author of the book, Anna Dolidze noted that “the challenge faced by Georgia is to conduct original research. The purpose of this book is to acquaint young people at our higher educational institutions with the principles of research to help them create high standard research works and papers.”

Rector of TSU, Giorgi Sharvashidze, representatives of academic circles and law sphere, students attended the event.

Rector Sharvashidze said that “the Tbilisi State University hosted the presentation of the very good and interesting book, which is crucial for academic sphere and students. But it is only the beginning as it is necessary to create a database and define those standards, which are needed for academic writing. It will also involve caring for the Georgian language.”

The textbook “Academic Writing in Law” has been prepared with the support of EWMI/PROLoG and it aims at presenting the key principles of academic writing in law to law students and lecturers. These principles are universal and they will promote the harmonization of Georgian students’ academic works with western university standards.     


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