
Davit Maghradze’s Book Presentation at TSU

Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) hosted a presentation of the book by Davit Maghradze “Usadaurod” on January 22. The presentation was held during the first gathering of the renewed literature circle “Auditorium No. 93” at TSU. Rector George Sharvashidze, students, academics and TSU alumni attended the event.

“What I have written till now and what I could not part with has been concentrated in this one-volume book,” Davit Maghradze said in his remarks about the book.

Rector George Sharvashidze said that Auditorium No. 93 had always been a free space at Tbilisi State University, where many generations of prose writers, poets, and critics had been grown up. “Today, Auditorium No. 93 has renewed its activities with the presentation of the book by one of the most active representatives of Auditorium No. 93, Davit Maghradze. This format was offered by students and it is very interesting, because it offers dialogue between various generations. Along with young people, experienced writers, poets, prose writers are also represented here and we hope that the environment that existed there formerly will be restored within these walls,” Sharvashidze said.

“It is important that our university enables young poets to get involved in similar projects. Probably, the number of young poets is not great, but we should promote them as much as possible. I am sure that many of them will show interest towards the literature circle,” TSU student, Tornike Gogrichiani said.

During the meeting organized by TSU students, Davit Maghradze read out some poems from his new book, also answered students’ questions and spoke about his student years spent in Auditorium No. 93.

For decades, Auditorium No. 93 located in the 1st Building of TSU (presently, Auditorium No. 206 named after Niko Tskhvedadze) hosted various literary events. During the discussions held in frames of the literature circle, then young and less known and now widely known writers and poets were acquainting the public with their works and were taking their first steps in the field of literature.

The TSU literature circle first gathered in September 1947, two years after the end of the World War II. There were a lot of young people at TSU interested in literature. The literature circle was led by Assistant Professor Beso Zhgenti.

Many new members joined the circle and a lot of interesting literary materials were accumulated that made it possible to create an almanac; the initiative belonged to then Rector of the Tbilisi State University, Academician Niko Ketskhoveli. This is how the annual literary almanac of young writers from the Tbilisi State University “Pirveli Skhivi” was born; its first issue was released in 1950.

Rector Niko Ketskhoveli issued a special order, according to which from December 24, 1951, the union of writers from the university was called “the Circle of Young Writers from Tbilisi State University.” Each subsequent issue of the almanac was released on a yearly basis. A total of 30 issues were printed until 2004.

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