
TSU to Present Diverse Program at Frankfurt Book Fair

Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) will present a diverse program at Frankfurt Book Fair, which will officially be opened on October 9.

The program involves exhibitions of scientific and educational literature, as well as public lectures by Georgian and foreign scientists. The purpose of the program is to show the breadth and diversity of scientific and educational achievements in Georgia. Thus, the books printed by the TSU publishing house at different times, as well as the scientific literature specially printed for Frankfurt Book Fair will be exhibited. The books about the First Democratic Republic and TSU’s 100th anniversary will be among the exhibits. TSU will present over 50 scientific books, translations and scientific periodicals in Frankfurt.

TSU will organize a number of public lectures at Frankfurt Book Fair, with the focus on the achievements of multiyear Georgian-German scientific collaboration.

Commenting on the program prepared by TSU, Rector George Sharvashidze explained that the program will increase access to Georgian scientific literature internationally and promote the popularization of Georgian scientific achievements among academia and students.

The diverse program presented by TSU to all guests of Frankfurt Book Fair will become a precondition for deepening international interest towards Georgia, Kartvelian sciences and Georgian scientific literature.

The program focuses on Rustvelian studies as the major direction of Kartvelian studies. Taking this into consideration, TSU plans a special event in partnership with the University of Frankfurt, during which students of various nationalities will read extracts from The Knight in the Panther’s Skin in various languages.  

The Frankfurt Book Fair offers a unique possibility for a country to present its culture and literature to the world. This year Georgia will be welcomed as a Guest of Honour.


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