
Meeting with Secretary General of European Cultural Parliament

Rector of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU), George Sharvashidze met with Secretary General of the European Cultural Parliament (ECP), Karl-Erik Norrman on November 16. The sides discussed further integration of TSU into European education and cultural area.

“A very interesting meeting was held with Karl-Erik Norrman. We discussed the prospects of cooperation, particularly how we can join these activities. The European Cultural Parliament is a very influential organization, which creates an agenda in many directions, including cultural diplomacy, in today’s Europe. Thus, it is important to have firm contacts. Cultural heritage is one of the priorities of our activities. Therefore, TSU will gladly collaborate with this organization,” Rector George Sharvashidze said.

The European Cultural Parliament was founded in the premises of the Council of Europe, Strasbourg, in 2001. The objective was – and is – to strengthen the role of cultural and artistic ideas and initiatives in Europe. In addition, the founders of the ECP wish to strengthen the dialogue between citizens in Eastern and Western Europe and between the various arts sectors.


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