
TSU Institute for European Studies, Parliament’s European Integration Committee Sign Memorandum of Cooperation

Within the European Days, the Memorandum on Cooperation was signed on May 8 between, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, on the one hand, and the EU Integration Committee and the Research Center of the Parliament, on the other. Rector of TSU, George Sharvashidze, Chair of the EU Integration Committee, David Songulashvili and Director of the Research Center Giorgi Khelashvili signed the document. 
The cooperation aims at implementation of joint activities in view of facilitation of the EU approximation process, application of the European values, EUAA implementation, transparency of the legislative activity and good governance, as well as the civic engagement in the legislative process and enhancement of publicity principles.
The Memorandum provides four key directions of cooperation: facilitation of the AA Agenda implementation; legal cooperation and political dialogue on EU approximation within the Round Table; cooperation projects and prevention of anti-Western propaganda; introduction of the specific peculiarities of the Committee activity to the students and the researchers and their increased engagement.
Deriving from the implementation of the commitments stipulated under the Georgia-EU Association Agreement agenda, as well as the Action Plan of the EU Integration Committee, the Memorandum extends the cooperation spheres envisaged under the Memorandum between the TSU IES and the EU Integration Committee of February 1, 2011.
The document envisages the opportunities of the internship and participation of BA, MA and PhD students of the TSU IES in various practical projects provided by the EU Integration Committee and the Research Center.


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