
“Planet Read More”

If you are a student of the Tbilisi State University and if you love literature, discover a new universe together with us!  
The Tbilisi State University and Books in Batumi are pleased to announce a new student competition “Planet Read More.”
The project aims at promoting youth literacy and offering more literature to students in a form of a competition.  
The contestants will read 10 books selected by Books in Batumi publishing house and take the tests specifically prepared for them. 10 contestants with the highest points will compete with each other in the final.   
Three winners will be revealed and awarded with the prizes prepared by the publishing house:

I place – Training tour to Europe  
II place – GEL 1000
III place – GEL 500

1st stage – registration
Interested persons have to fill in a questionnaire. By filling in a questionnaire, you will automatically join a mini competition Cosmic Odyssey by Electric Car and its winner will be awarded with a special prize. You will have an opportunity to send three messages via a blue electric car: one item, one text message and one audio recording. Invent an interesting and original parcel for an electric car; justify your choice and win the prize.

Answers will be received till 8 pm, April 12.

* A contestant who has undergone registration is eligible to participate in all rounds.

2nd stage – Reading of 10 books and taking the test

The first competition book will be unveiled on April 11. A leader of the round will be revealed following each test, who will be awarded with a certificate and symbolic gifts prior to the next test.

The competition’s Facebook page



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