
Statement of the Tbilisi State University

Protests of students, professors, lecturers and administration of the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) have yielded tangible results. The Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia, the Tbilisi City Hall and business community took into consideration numerous statements made by TSU Rector, Academician Vladimer Papava, the Academic Council and the Senate of the Tbilisi State University and, most importantly, by the students and instead of a fuel station, a multi-functional complex will be built on the territory adjacent to the 10th (Maglivi) Building of TSU. The multi-functional complex will consist of residential apartments and commercial offices. TSU welcomes this fact.

As known, fuel station construction was planned near the Maglivi Building of TSU, where a library is located along with two educational buildings. Besides the fact that this decision was directly linked with neglecting youth safety norms, it hampered possible projects on the development of TSU space; moreover, a lot of interesting initiatives announced in the recent past, including on the construction of youth center, food facilities, which were so important for our students, were also neglected.

The Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University expresses its gratitude to the Government of Georgia, Tbilisi City Hall and business community for taking the university society’s interests into consideration.


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