
Honorary Doctorates Award Ceremony at TSU

On September 27, Honorary Doctorates of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) were awarded to Professors Ralf Meyer and Ingo Witt of Georg-August-Universität Göttingen for their contribution to internationalization of TSU; Prof. Dr. Tiziana J. Chiusi, chair of Civil Law, Roman Law and European Comparative Law at Saarland University, for active cooperation with TSU and promoting academic activities of TSU students and academic staff; Prof. Dr. Hanns Prütting of the University of Cologne for special contribution to the development of TSU and supporting students.

Rector of TSU, Giorgi Sharvashidze said that TSU holds honorary doctorate award ceremonies twice a year. “Honorary Doctorates were awarded to four professors. Two of them are law experts and two are specialized in the field of mathematics. They have educated a lot of Georgian scientists and just for this contribution they were awarded the highest title available at TSU,” Rector Sharvashidze said.

TSU Honorary Doctor, Prof. Dr. Hanns Prütting said that he was very proud of TSU’s honorary doctorate award, noting that TSU and University of Cologne have intensive cooperation. “It is very important for the University of Cologne to host young students from Tbilisi during a year or a year and a half, who defend their master’s degrees partially in German. It is very difficult but necessary for the youth,” he said.

Following the awards ceremony, TSU Honorary Doctors delivered public lectures.

The award ceremony was held in frames of Science and Innovation Festival, which is being hosted by TSU in 2018. 

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