
“10 Years of the European Research Council: Supporting Excellent Researchers in Europe"

The ERC Week has been opened at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the European Research Council (ERC). The event “10 Years of the European Research Council: Supporting Excellent Researchers in Europe” was attended by Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Temur Murgulia; ERC Vice President Eva Kondorosi; Acting Director of Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation Manana Mikaberidze; Rector of TSU, Giorgi Sharvashidze; invited experts from the EU member states; Georgian scientists from the world’s leading research centers, Prof. Gia Dvali and Prof. Zaal Kokaia; representatives of the EU Delegation to Georgia; rectors of various Georgian universities and other invited guests.

Rector of TSU, Giorgi Sharvashidze said: “Tbilisi State University is hosting a large scale conference, which has brought together scientists from Georgia, the region and partner countries. The European Research Council is the largest body that allocates research grants, including the grants allocated within Horizon 2020. A wide range of issues will be discussed at the event on how Georgian scientists should get involved, from application forms to topics that should be selected, etc. It is a huge assistance to Georgian scientists. We suppose that those contacts that have been established within ERC will enable us to get involved in the European-level research. It is very good that a lot of TSU teams are working in this direction and we have already received several grants this year. We hope that the number of grants will further increase in future.”

“Education and science is the Georgian government’s top priority. Thus, the Ministry of Education and Science is actively involved in promoting these processes. Similar acquaintance meetings will enable us to put Georgia on a research map as a worthy representative for conducting research,” Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Temur Murgulia said.

Acting Director of Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation Manana Mikaberidze noted that “the event has been organized by the European Research Council and Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation. It is very important for Georgian academic circles as well as for integration of our researchers into European scientific sphere and network. High level guests from the European Research Council, as well as from European Academy and various foundations, academies of sciences and research institutes of Eastern Partnership countries are attending the event.”

ERC Vice President Eva Kondorosi said that the guests of the event had an opportunity to participate in a free dialogue, to share information about ERC, to talk about grants and applications that would ultimately promote improving sciences in the countries.

The ERC Week aims to increase the participation of Georgia and other Eastern Partnership countries in the ERC-administered competitions; to promote dialogue between ERC officials, ERC grantees, prominent scientists from Eastern Partnership countries and top regional officials for providing joint analysis of funding opportunities and challenges; to carry out interaction with the ERC representatives. The event will help the participating countries strengthen institutional support of science and encourage their active participation in ERC’s grant competitions. The event will summarize ERC’s activities and discuss the possibilities of expanding the participation of scientists from Eastern Partnership countries in the ERC programs.

The event has been organized by the European Research Council and Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation.


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